Script Properties
Name version |
| macros
GUIsave confighelp in GUIadds
modifies tagsremoves tagsmodifies timesmodifies texthandles trnsfrmsinline tagsline breaksunicoderepeat lastmodifies linecount
Cycles 2.0 | 7
iBus 1.7 | 4
Line Breaker 2.4 | 4settings \N
Join / Split / Snap1.2 | 3
Jump to Next 2.0 |13
Aladin's Lamp 1.0 | 3 orderorder
Script Cleanup 5.0 | 1 overlapsspaces remove
Blur and Glow 2.5 | 1 layers
HYDRA 6.0 |13 special f.special f. special f.
Hyperdimensional Relocator 4.4 |15 fbf\N only
Recalculator 4.0 | 1
Colourise 5.0 | 3
Selectricks 3.3 | 1
Change Case 3.0 | 1
Multi-Line Editor 1.8 | 5 reverse
MultiCopy 3.5 | 1
FadeWorkS 4.0 | 2
Significance 3.2 | 4
Activ8 / ModiFire 1.0 | 2
ShiftCut 3.0 | 6
Time Signs 2.8 | 1 blur
Masquerade 3.0 | 4
NecrosCopy 4.1 | 2
Encode - Hardsub 1.2 | 1
Multiplexer 1.1 | 1

Colours: NO, Marginally, YES, Main Function / The Whole Point, Not Applicable/Relevant.

handles trnsfrms - is written to handle transforms correctly
inline tags - is written to handle inline tags correctly
line breaks - is written to handle line breaks correctly
unicode - supports non-standard characters (øåæ) in letter-by-letter operations
modifies linecount - adds or removes lines