Script Updates
(read the manuals for more details and how to use)
Note: 0.01 updates are mostly bugfixes or minor changes. 0.1 updates are usually new features or bigger changes.

2018-06-30   v4.4	Hyperdimensional Relocator - added Warp Text, added frz+org2pos; removed Shake Rotation (use Randomise)

2018-06-24   v4.1	NecrosCopy - 'split by \N' & 'split into letters' support \frz, \fsp, \fn & \move; 'split into letters' supports \fs;
				fixed a bug where the "{}" marker didn't work in 'split by \N'; fixed a bug in splitting by tags
2018-06-24   v4.3	Hyperdimensional Relocator - 'adjust drawing' supports \frz (+ fixed a bug there);
				added 'clip2pos fbf' & 'clip2scale fbf'; added macros for 'Spin Doctor' and 'adjust drawing'
2018-06-24   v2.4	Line Breaker - setting for max. ratio apparently didn't work - fixed; added macro for setup; improved line breaking
2018-06-24   v1.0	Activ8 / ModiFire - something for editing complex active lines and modifying existing tags

2018-06-10   v6.0	HYDRA - improved gradient by character (more resilient to errors); fixed a bug when text had an asterisk in it;
				fixed about a dozen bugs in the presets; [ibus] tags can be added inline, but only with value 1;
				added Bell Shifter, Wave Shifter, Arrow Shifter + several presets
2018-06-10   v4.0	FadeWorkS - fixed a bug in Repeat Last; fixed some issues with unicode and linebreaks in fade by letter
2018-06-10   v4.0	NecrosCopy - removed copy clip (HR can do this); added split text into letters; added clip2frz;
				copy colours: colours/alphas/both; copy text: added 'only visible';
				added copy from the bottom up; added splitting along a clip for split by spaces
2018-06-10   v3.0	Masquerade - improved Shift Tags, shift a tag marked with ">" anywhere, shift tags for all selected lines;
				vastly expanded options in StrikeAlpha, works for 1a-4a too; improved merge tags, supports comments;
				improved and expanded Alpha Shift; added Converter; added Save config
2018-06-10   v5.0	Colourise - almost everything rewritten; reworked and improved Colourise by letter & Shift;
				added accel in GUI (works for HSL too); fixed some bugs in gradient; added 'Bounce back' option for CBL;
				invert colours works for checked types; reorganised GUI; GUI saves colours too;
				redone 'Set colours across line' to use the main GUI; added macros for RGB and HSL gradients;
				added validation for colour tags
2018-06-10   v3.2	Significance - improved reverse text (inline tags + linebreaks), reverse words (linebreaks);
				logging for some functions in the Stuff part; convert framerate more foolproof
2018-06-10   v4.2	Hyperdimensional Relocator - Cloning Laboratory: coordinates can be shifted each line; added track by clip;
				added 4 macros for teleporting 1 px in each direction; added Spin Doctor, for tweaking rotations (and other things);
				all clip functions should work with iclip; org can be set to absolute values as well as by distance from pos;
				slightly extended clip info; optional info about success/failure of operations
2018-06-10   v5.0	Script Cleanup - added a number of extra options for maximum laziness; fixed some bugs in Hide Tags;
				improved Clean Tags, (also removes '>', among other things); slightly rearranged GUI
2018-06-10   v2.0	Cycles - added a switch to cycle backwards in the sequence; added fsp sequence; a bit more detailed sequences
2018-06-10   v1.0	Origami - Something small to easily move \org that's off screen. Teleport can do it, but this is more accessible.

I started writing scripts in early June 2013, so you can consider this a 5-Year Anniversary batch.
There are a lot of new things, and there's a lot of interplay between different scripts.
You'll have to read the manuals to know how stuff works, but definitely check out the Shapeshifters,
Spin Doctor, Converter, split by clip, and the Teleport macros.

2018-05-13   v6.0 beta	HYDRA - HSL colour gradient; added fsc; fixed section preset; fixed gradient for xyshadbord;
				added size transform from clip; added create shadow from clip; added restriction by text pattern;
				improved fscx -> fscy; improved convert clip to drawing (and back); added remember last;
				apply to all except selected; bugfixes in tag position presets; several hotkeyable functions;
				slightly rebuilt load modes; various minor fixes; improved error handling
2018-05-13   v4.0 beta	FadeWorkS (ex-Apply Fade) - reworked GUI; fade for all transformable tags;
				Fadeworks (taken from Significance, improved and expanded); added Help, Repeat last
2018-05-13   v4.0	Recalculator - layer, margins, start/end time; numbers in text, actor, effect; added fsc (=fscx+fscy); save settings
2018-05-13   v3.0	ShiftCut - shift/add leads by frames; shift by frames per lines; apply to selected and onward;
				remember last; help; (macros will need reassigning keys)
2018-05-13   v3.1	Significance - added split text to actor/effect; added "in text" for Numbers; added random number generator;
				added zero fill; fixed 'split into letters' selection; fixed issue with backslashes in replacer; improved Info;
				removed redundant functions, existing in other scripts; 
2018-05-13   v4.1	Hyperdimensional Relocator - clip info; shadow reposition; numbers (shows avg. pos distances); 
				setmovetimes; settranstimes; Warped Teleport by frame; [un]hide clip (hotkeyable); improved randomise;
				fixed a bug in join fbf lines; fixed some bugs in shadow layer; improved error handling for most functions
2018-05-13   v2.6	Masquerade - motion blur for \move; improved error handling & selection setting (masks, motion blur);
				support for inline tags (alfashift); merge text improved for linebreaks; added help
2018-05-13   v3.1	NecrosCopy - copy stuff - added actor/effect; fixed bug in 3D shadow; added help
2018-05-13   v3.5	MultiCopy - added copy text pattern; added copy/paste to margins; copy between columns can delete source;
				'attach'/'switch' automatically enables copy between columns; save config
2018-05-13   v1.8	Multi-Line Editor - added reverse macro; added switch style macro; (resplit will need reassigning keys)
				(If you're using the larger version, the changes are also present in 2.1.)
2018-05-13   v4.0	Script Cleanup - Hide Tags; minor bugfixes
2018-05-13   v3.33	Selectrix - added "text|actor|effect" + style; "<= [non-zero]" in Numbers;
				modified menu items for easier key selecting [might require resaving config]; minor fixes

Notes: HYDRA and FadeWorkS are betas because there has been a lot changed/added, so I think they need some more testing.
(Dependency Control is disabled in the betas, as I have no idea how that would work. GitHub will also follow some time later.)
Wherever the GUI changed, you might need to resave settings.
Several scripts will have a separate help under a ": HELP :" entry in the automation menu so that they're accessible from the same place.
Several scripts will have some extra macros under ": Non-GUI macros :".
These are accessible separately from the GUI so that you can hotkey them.
Helps in GUIs and the Manuals page on this website have been updated, so you'll find descriptions of all the new stuff there.

2017-06-08   v3.3	Selectrix - new options: same style, same actor, same effect, add to selection, search by separate words

2016-11-27   v3.2	Selectrix - search filter; only 1st result; beginning of line; (Torque) fixed Aegisub crash

2016-11-01   v3.0	Selectrix - save config; select by time; other, minor additions

2016-09-13   v3.42	Script Cleanup - 'delete unused styles' checks for styles used only with \r

2015-09-05   v1.2	Encode - Hardsub - fixed an issue with the encode being deleted when not muxing audio;
				fixed some issues resulting from subtitles not being saved
2015-09-05   v2.9	ShiftCut - shift linking point of adjacent lines [new macros added; automation menu changed]
2015-09-05   v3.41	Script Cleanup - fixed nuking \fs

2015-06-20   v1.2	Join / Split / Snap - improved snapping to adjacent lines

2015-06-18   v1.1	Aladin's Lamp - fix for English text

Note1: Some filenames/script names have changed, and some scripts have been merged, so you'll have to reassign hotkeys.
Note2: Some settings have been changed/removed, so you may have to resave your config in some cases (likely Relocator, Hydra)
Note3: DependencyControl support has been added. Scripts here will keep current naming; github ones will be DC-compatible.
DC use is optional - scripts work without it.

2015-06-01   v3.4	Script Cleanup - remove \s \u; remove selected tags only from transforms; remove all tag blocks except first & last;
				fixed/improved some things
2015-06-01   v2.5	Blur and Glow - default blur part of config; cleaned up the code a bit
2015-06-01   v5.0	HYDRA - gradient: vertical, horizontal, by character, by line, centered gradient; special - convert \s to selected tags;
				insert tags at text position; reuse tags
2015-06-01   v4.0	Hyperdimensional Relocator - replicate; fbf retrack; killtranstimes; clip2move; clip to reposition; 
				line2fbf: \t accel+move clip; fscx/y support in clip2fax; more clip options in Teleport
2015-06-01   v4.5	Colorize - added accel to gradient; reverse gradient; improved set colours across; improved tune colours;
				fixed a ton of things including handling of transforms
2015-06-01   v1.7	Multi-Line Editor - merged with Re-Split; much-improved capitalisation
2015-06-01   v3.4	MultiCopy - pasteover+ ...because sometimes editors and timers don't communicate
2015-06-01   v3.0	Significance - make style from active line; FadeWorks (renamed from Unimportant)
2015-06-01   v2.5	Masquerade - adjusted 'shift tags' to support non-standard characters
2015-06-01   v3.0	NecrosCopy - split by \N: rewritten, positioning by tags and spaces + fixed some things;
				fax: fscx/fscy support; other things fixed/improved (renamed from CopyFax This)
2015-06-01   v3.0	Change Case - improved; added options; unicode support
2015-06-01   v1.7	iBus - aka "Italy Bold Under Strike" - merged Italics and Bold scripts and added Underline and Strikeout
				(not too useful, but it was easy)
2015-06-01   v2.3	Line Breaker - improved options for manual breaking
2015-06-01   v1.1	Join / Split / Snap - merged all three for convenience; changed how Join works
2015-06-01   v2.0	Jump to Next - 13 macros; Text/Style/Actor/Effect/Layer/CommentedLine x Next/Previous
				= 12 hotkeys + 1 for GUI version with all 12 options
2015-06-01   v1.1	Encode - Hardsub - added option to mux the encode with audio

2015-05-08   v4.3	HYDRA - shift transform times for each transform by line or by tag block

2015-05-06   v4.2	HYDRA - increase added value for each line; add before each character; add before each word
2015-05-06   v3.32	Script Cleanup - various minor fixes/additions
2015-05-06   v3.4	Hyperdimensional Relocator - added: switch progression of pos X and Y for fbf lines (right<->down, up<->left, etc.)
2015-05-06   v2.9	Unimportant - added: adjust kara tags for split lines

2015-05-05   v3.0	Recalculator - Regradient (recalculates gradients for existing tags)
2015-05-05   v3.91	Apply fade - fixed some bugs with colours; rewrote some code, so there might be new bugs

2015-04-24   v2.4	Recalculator - added 'repeat last' function
2015-04-24   v1.8	Cycles - changed handling of transforms so that they don't move to end of tag block
2015-04-24   v4.4	Colorize - option to affect only tags outside/inside transforms for 'Tune colours' and RGB/HSL
2015-04-24   v2.8	ShiftCut - added shifting of selection to current frame by END time of active line
2015-04-24   duplikill was modified to handle transforms more correctly. 7 affected scripts:
2015-04-24   v3.3	Script Cleanup
2015-04-24   v3.3	Hyperdimensional Relocator + improved line2fbf + fixed a bunch of minor things
2015-04-24   v3.3	MultiCopy + added 'Repeat last' function
2015-04-24   v2.9	Copyfax This + added '3D shadow'
2015-04-24   v2.4	Masquerade + removed 'mocha scale' + added 'motion blur' and 'merge tags'
2015-04-24   v4.1	HYDRA + better handling of transforms in general
2015-04-24   v2.8	Unimportant + duplicate and shift lines + repeat last

2015-04-20   v2.3	Recalculator - added option to affect only tags outside/inside transforms
2015-04-20   v2.73	Unimportant - fixed some bugs in import/export signs

2015-04-15   v4.05	HYDRA - fixed some stuff regarding tag position
2015-04-15   v3.9	Apply fade - adjusted fade 'from alpha' and 'from colour' to deal with transforms

2015-04-14   v3.2	MultiCopy - support for keeping inline tags with 'Paste text' (read Manual for details)

2015-04-10   v4.04	HYDRA - fixed some minor things regarding transforms

2015-03-26   v3.2	Script Cleanup - improved Clean Tags' handling of transforms

2015-03-25   v3.1	Script Cleanup - switched some things and added info about number of changed lines

2015-03-07   v2.25	Line Breaker - fixed a case where "%" would get nuked from a line

2015-02-15   v3.1	MultiCopy - 'Attach' function can attach data from one field to data from another.

2015-02-05   v1.3	Jump to Next - added 'Jump to Previous'
2015-02-05   v3.03	MultiCopy - fixed "export CR for pad" to nuke tags from signs correctly

2015-02-01   v2.24	Line Breaker - fixed something that I broke before

2015-01-22   v2.71	Unimportant - fixed a bug in import OP/ED

2015-01-18   v2.23	Line Breaker - this time maybe fixed it for real
2015-01-18   v2.22	Line Breaker - fixed a bug where an extra space could be introduced by mistake
2015-01-18   v2.7	Unimportant - option to export chapters in the other format, compatible with mp4

2015-01-10   v2.61	Unimportant - bugfix for 'export sign' with signs.ass not existing
2015-01-10   v2.6	Unimportant - import chapters from xml

2015-01-03   v2.7	ShiftCut - option to not make lines shorter by snapping if given CPS limit is exceeded

2014-12-28   v1.2	Snap - also snaps to adjacent lines

2014-12-12   v3.0	Script Cleanup - added "inverse" option for "kill tags" - kills everything except selected

2014-12-08   v1.6	Multi-line Editor - added capitalization; Add tags has \an8, \i1, \b1, \q2
2014-12-08   v1.0	Join / Split - merged the 2 scripts together; some minor updates and fixes
2014-12-08   v4.3	Colorize - gradient after each linebreak; preserve comments for 'colorize by letter'
2014-12-08   v3.02	MultiCopy - fixed pasting beyond last line of the script; updated clipboard

2014-12-05   v4.0	HYDRA - save proper config; apply tags to sections of text; 'all tag blocks' + 'relative transforms' works
2014-12-05   v2.7	Time signs from timecodes - save config; options to auto remove {TS} comments + auto add blur
2014-12-05   v1.7	Cycles - all 4 cycle scripts in one (4 macros). just delete the old 4 and reassign hotkeys.

2014-12-01   v1.7	Blur Cycle - fixed cases when the current value wasn't in the sequence
2014-12-01   v1.7	Border Cycle - fixed cases when the current value wasn't in the sequence
2014-12-01   v1.7	Shadow Cycle - fixed cases when the current value wasn't in the sequence
2014-12-01   v1.7	Alpha Cycle - fixed cases when the current value wasn't in the sequence; made version consistent with the other 3

2014-11-24   v1.5	Multi-line Editor - added a mode that lets you edit style/actor/effect the same way as text

2014-11-17   v2.61	ShiftCut - fixed info for kf snapping
2014-11-17   v2.41	Blur and Glow - fix something with x/yshad (i don't remember)
2014-11-17   v1.21	Jump to Next - fixed a bug when last line is reached
2014-11-17   v1.01	Encode - Hardsub - delete ffindex

2014-11-14   v2.8	Copyfax This - copy stuff - copy tags after linebreaks
2014-11-14   v3.92	HYDRA - don't allow 2 clips of the same type; fixed 'sort tags' for inline tags or something (idr)

2014-11-07   v2.2	Recalculator - Mirror function for reversing the direction of mocha/fbf data
2014-11-07   v2.91	Script Cleanup - fixed a bug in deleting styles
2014-11-07   v3.01	MultiCopy - fixed Export CR to pad

2014-11-05   v3.8	Apply fade - got rid of some redundant tags; cleaned up the code a bit

2014-10-30   v2.5	Unimportant - motion blur
2014-10-30   v3.0	MultiCopy - rewritten half of the script, fixed some bugs, added new functions
2014-10-30   v1.2	Jump to Next - searches only after the last selected line with inconsecutive selections

2014-10-26   v2.9	Script Cleanup - added remove \q as requested (I really hoped no one would ever need this)

2014-10-22   v1.1	Multiplexer - added more options; fixed some bugs

2014-10-20   v3.21	Hyperdimensional Relocator - fixed some GUI-related bugs

2014-10-17   v2.8	Script Cleanup - clean up transforms; remove \h; apply nuking to start/inline tags; a few other things...
2014-10-17   v3.2	Hyperdimensional Relocator - new functions: "move to" and "randomove"
2014-10-17   v1.4	Multi-line Editor - improved replacer (whole word, regexp) & GUI size estimation

2014-10-15   v1.1	Jump to Next - works for actor/effect too

2014-10-08   v3.12	Hyperdimensional Relocator - bugfixes and minor improvements (vect2rect, randomize, fulltranstimes, negativerot)

2014-10-07   v1.0	Runemap - Something fun to play with

2014-09-29   v4.2	Colorize - Fixed a bug in RGB/HSL + a bug in Invert Colours; changed Brightness to Lightness
2014-09-29   v2.4	Unimportant - What is the Matrix?

2014-09-28   v1.0	Multiplexer - muxes loaded script + video, chapters, alternative script, creates CRC + xdelta
2014-09-28   v1.0	Encode - Hardsub - merged both beta scripts together, so a bunch of encoding + hardsubbing options in one

2014-09-26   v2.4	Blur and Glow - option to have shadow on top/middle layer

2014-09-24   v2.3	Blur and Glow - changed \shad0 to \4a&HFF&

2014-09-20   v1.0 beta	Encode - encodes for mocha. if torque's script fails to encode, this might help.
2014-09-20   v1.0 beta	Hardsub - script for hardsubbing. some testing would be welcome.

2014-09-03   v2.8	Selectricks - preset: select a specified range of lines, like "1530-2460"

2014-08-25   v2.31	Masquerade - add \shad0 to masks
2014-08-25   v2.2	Line Breaker - separate config file

2014-08-16   v4.1	Colorize - support for linebreaks in gradients; hopefully fixed Shift Colours
2014-08-16   v2.61	Time signs from timecodes - fixed a bug that was fucking everything up

2014-08-13   v4.0	Colorize - Tune colours
2014-08-13   v3.9	HYDRA - add transforms to all tag blocks; fixed some bugs

2014-08-10   v3.11	Hyperdimensional Relocator - fix a bug with transforms
2014-08-10   v2.71	Copyfax This - copy stuff - fix a bug with transforms

2014-08-09   v2.71	Selectricks - enable editor for (most) presets; update editor
2014-08-09   v2.6	Time signs from timecodes - support for timecodes over an hour
2014-08-09   v3.1	Hyperdimensional Relocator - scale clips [\clip(X,m ...]; rounding precision
2014-08-09   v3.92	Colorize - some minor fixes + code cleanup

2014-08-08   v2.3	Masquerade - remask - change an existing mask for another shape without changing tags
2014-08-08   v1.1	Re-Split - support for lines with tags
2014-08-08   v2.3	Unimportant - time by frames; option to shift even rows in Clone Clip
2014-08-08   v2.7	Copyfax This - unicode support (fax gradient); a bunch of fixes and minor improvements in copy functions
2014-08-08   v3.0	Hyperdimensional Relocator - space out letters; clip to frz bugfix, remove expand, clean up code + some other fixes

2014-08-03   v2.2	Unimportant - proper config saving
2014-08-03   v2.2	Blur and Glow - save config; cleaned up some code
2014-08-03   v3.81	HYDRA - fixed a bug with the GUI in mode 1 and 2
2014-08-03   v2.21	Masquerade - shift tags: fixed a bug with \t\clip
2014-08-03   v2.31	MultiCopy - progress messages; cleaned up some code
2014-08-03   v1.33	Multi-line Editor - progress messages; option to expand the GUI when needed; some minor fixes
2014-08-03   v2.1	Unimportant - reverse transforms; randomized transforms
2014-08-03   v3.9	Colorize - randomize RGB/HSB

2014-07-31   v2.6	ShiftCut - rebuilt GUI; save config + custom presets
2014-07-31   v2.2	Masquerade - option to save custom masks and add them to the menu

2014-07-30   v3.8	HYDRA - relative transforms (you have \frz30, set tf 60, get \t(\frz90) - keeps layers with different values in sync.)

2014-07-29   v2.3	MultiCopy - 'gbc text' paste over replicates colour gradients in full; unicode support for 'gbc text' and 'text mod.'

2014-07-28   v2.9	Hyperdimensional Relocator - create a shadow layer instead of \shad; positron code cleanup; save config

2014-07-27   v3.81	Colorize - fixed a bug in Match Colours
2014-07-27   v3.7	Apply fade - support for \4c, \1a, \3a, \4a; unicode support; cleaned up old, retarded code; save config

2014-07-26   v3.8	Colorize - several modes of gradients; option to remember last settings for checkboxes/dropdowns; save config

2014-07-25   v2.0	Unimportant - split into letters; explode; optional config file

2014-07-24   v3.7	Colorize - true HSB adjustment; unicode support for inline things

2014-07-23   v3.7	HYDRA - unicode support for inline tags; optional config file

2014-07-22   v2.81	Hyperdimensional Relocator - make the unicode support actually work
2014-07-22   v2.8	Hyperdimensional Relocator - clip2fax can do fax gradient and supports unicode; clip2frz can average from 2 lines

2014-07-21   v2.75	Hyperdimensional Relocator - fix TP without \pos for margins; fix clip conversion for iclip; remove joinfbflines limit
2014-07-21   v2.2	MultiCopy - added option to paste clips as iclips
2014-07-21   v1.9	Unimportant - added 'clone clip'

2014-07-20   v1.8	Unimportant - dissolve text + logging for replacers
2014-07-20   v2.1	MultiCopy - some more useless things to copy

2014-07-19   v2.11	Recalculator - fixed some bugs with anchoring clips (hopefully)
2014-07-19   v3.6	Apply fade - fade to/from current frame now works with alpha/colours/blur
2014-07-19   v3.52	Apply fade - fix a bug where the alpha part wouldn't work with no tags present
2014-07-19   v2.1	Recalculator - added alternative 2nd value for "Y" things (fscY, Ybord, faY, Y coordinates...)

2014-07-15   v2.71	Script Cleanup - option to apply 'kill tags' only to starting or inline tags (type 'start' or 'inline' in effect)
2014-07-15   v3.61	Colorize - fix a bug in merging with inline tags
2014-07-15   v2.11	Line Breaker - make GUI open when line's effect is "n" + some minor adjustments
2014-07-15   v3.51	Apply fade - fix a bug in merging letter-by-letter fades with other tags
2014-07-15   v2.13	Blur and Glow - remove {*} left after gbc
2014-07-15   v2.51	Time signs from timecodes - a bug fix that I don't really remember

2014-07-14   v2.72	Hyperdimensional Relocator - fixed parentheses in 'transform clip'; GUI remembers main dropdown settings
2014-07-14   v2.7	Selectricks - move selection up or down
2014-07-14   v2.11	Masquerade - alfa timer splits by spaces if no line breaks or @

2014-07-12   v3.61	HYDRA - fix 'tag at asterisk' messing up lines with different text; preset "custom pattern" now handles patterns

2014-07-11   v1.7	Unimportant - reverse text, reverse words, make chapter marks (read Help for more)

2014-07-10   v2.7	Hyperdimensional Relocator - Morph: Adjust Drawing (drawing2clip -> adjust clip -> clip2drawing)
2014-07-10   v2.6	Copyfax This - copy stuff: option to copy tags in line
2014-07-10   v2.62	Hyperdimensional Relocator - Teleport: fix bug that added \pos for lines with \move; handle \an right w/o \pos
2014-07-10   v3.6	HYDRA - handle 'tag at asterisk' with inline tags; remember input data when reloading GUI
2014-07-10   v2.7	Script Cleanup - added 'remove inline tags'
2014-07-10   v2.1	Masquerade - shift tags: option to remove selected tags

2014-07-08   v2.6	Selectricks - select lines with same text as those in current selection

2014-07-06   v2.6	Hyperdimensional Relocator - added 'clip to frz' (works similarly to 'clip to fax') + some fixes
2014-07-06   v3.6	Colorize - integrated "match colours" GUI into the main GUI

2014-07-04   v1.6	Unimportant - improved importing, numbering, and updating lyrics; added new functions

2014-06-30   v2.64	Script Cleanup - fixed deleting for tags without values, added "Delete unused styles (leave Default)"
2014-06-30   v2.0	Recalculator - ...and so I ended up adding a lot of other things
2014-06-30   v1.82	Recalculator - more fixes because I'm dumb
2014-06-30   v1.81	Recalculator - fixed calculations for Multiply
2014-06-30   v1.8	Recalculator - added option to stack calculations by line

2014-06-26   v1.3	Join - join all selected (keep first) if text (without tags/comments) of all selected lines is the same
2014-06-26   v2.5	Selectricks - added more options

2014-06-24   v2.01	MultiCopy - fixed paste over discrepancies with linebreaks and lines with no visible text

2014-06-21   v1.61	Blur Cycle - bugfix for lines with only transforms
2014-06-21   v1.61	Border Cycle - bugfix for lines with only transforms
2014-06-21   v1.61	Shadow Cycle - bugfix for lines with only transforms
2014-06-21   v1.52	Alpha Cycle - bugfix for lines with only transforms
2014-06-21   v3.58	HYDRA - bugfix (double backslash when line has only transforms)
2014-06-21   v2.53	Hyperdimensional Relocator - bugfix in line2fbf
2014-06-21   v2.51	Copyfax This - option (default) to automatically gradient fax for "fax from clip" + bugfixes
2014-06-21   v2.4	Copyfax This - "fax from clip" can do another fax value at the end of line (for gbc).

2014-06-19   v2.5	Time signs from timecodes - Improved handling of multiple timecodes.

2014-06-16   v2.3	Copyfax This - Copy Stuff: option to hide/unhide checked tags (by making them comments).

2014-06-11   v3.5	Apply fade - added fade in using \ko. supports unicode and inline tags.
2014-06-11   v2.0	Masquerade - replaced the \ko part with alpha shift
2014-06-11   v2.62	Script Cleanup - a little fix to nuke \k tags with decimals (\k3.5) 
2014-06-11   v1.57	Unimportant - a little fix for "transform \k to \t\alpha"

2014-06-07   v2.0	MultiCopy - added support for any tag. (use Help button for details)
2014-06-07   v3.5	Colorize - RGB/brightness values are now -255 to 255 (but it's not "real" brightness)