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[ List of (almost) all functions ] ·
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You can report bugs or make requests in #irrational-typesetting-wizardry@irc.rizon.net
or send an email to 
Scripts with GUI:
Script Cleanup | v5.0 - removes or hides unwanted stuff from selected lines, fixes some things |
Blur and Glow | v2.5 - creates layers with blur and/or glow |
HYDRA | v6.0 - adds tags, does transforms, gradients, plus a bunch of special functions |
Hyperdimensional Relocator | v4.4 - anything you need to do with pos, move, org, clip, and more |
Recalculator | v4.0 - recalculates values of selected tags (multiply or add) and other things |
Colourise | v5.0 - does all kinds of things with colours |
Selectricks | v3.3 - selects and sorts lines based on a bunch of criteria |
Multi-Line Editor | v1.8 - allows you to edit multiple lines at once easily |
MultiCopy | v3.5 - copy various things from multiple lines to other multiple lines |
FadeWorkS | v4.0 - does fades including alpha or colour transforms and more |
Significance | v3.2 - does a shitload of things that didn't fit into other scripts |
Activ8 / ModiFire | v1.0 - edits complex active lines / modifies tags |
ShiftCut | v3.0 - does things with timing, including TPP functions, shifting, and more |
Time Signs | v2.8 - times signs from timecodes like {TS 5:36} |
Change Case | v3.0 - lowercase, uppercase, capitalise lines or words |
Origami | v1.0 - easily move \org that's off screen |
Masquerade | v3.0 - mask, shift tags, alignment, motion blur, merge tags, alpha shift, alpha time, strikealpha |
NecrosCopy | v4.1 - clip2fax, clip2frz, copy tags, text, colours & more, 3D shadow, split into letters, split by \N |
Scripts without GUI:
Cycles | v2.0 - adds tags & cycles through values for blur, bord, shad, alpha, an [hotkey for each] |
iBus | v1.7 - handles italics, bold, underline, and strikeout
Line Breaker | v2.4 - inserts and shifts linebreaks |
Join / Split / Snap | v1.2 - joins lines / split lines / snaps to keyframes like TPP |
Jump to Next | v2.0 - jumps to the next 'sign' |
Aladin's Lamp | v1.1 - helps dealing with typesetting in Arabic |
Encoding/muxing scripts:
Encode - Hardsub | v1.2 - encodes and hardsubs, whole video or clip |
Multiplexer | v1.1 - muxes loaded script + video, chapters, creates CRC + xdelta |
Runemap | v1.0 - a map of moonrunes |
Backup Checker | v1.1 - lets you to make a backup of your script and compare new lines with the backup |
Scripts with GUI - obsolete:
Without GUI (These are included in the bigger ones, but if you want quick, one-hotkey solutions...)
Old Versions of scripts, if for whatever reason you need one.
If you happen to have any that I don't have anymore, link me.
Fun stuff: History
Images for the GUIs:
